Bridge framework Bridge frameworkFull contour crowns, copings, pontics, or inlays can be combined to bridges and bridge frameworks. With most scanners, you can also take advantage of our advanced multi-die mode, for outstanding productivity. Simple coping Simple copingsSimple copings with fixed thickness can be designed in just seconds. Selective cut-back is possible as well: Paint on the teeth to mark which areas you wish to keep in full contour. Anatomic copings Anatomic copingsStarting from the full anatomy, you can take advantage of cut-back to create an optimal coping for subsequent layering. Multiple high quality tooth libraries are included by default. However once you have tried the add-on modules we feel you will want to have them all and use them every day. Add-on modules exocad add-on modules expand the features of the standard version. It is reliable and robust even when dealing with complex cases on a daily basis. Our CAD software is known for its speedy operation and ease of use, helping you minimize training costs and maximize productivity.